
Lab.Space Construction
Showcase website

Lab.Space Construction has entrusted the web agency TREIZE with the mission of developing the visual identity of this new brand and ensuring the design of their showcase website.
This web design aimed to :
- Strengthen the visibility and credibility of the company.
- Clarify the positioning of the company (as experts in the design of biotechnical laboratory spaces).
- Generate qualified leads.

As you might suspect, constructing a laboratory isn’t as simple as saying “scissors.” It’s a complex and laborious process, and the questions from professionals looking to build a laboratory are equally challenging. Therefore, we’ve implemented a blog to publish articles that address the primary concerns of our target audience.
The goal is to publish numerous in-depth articles to guide the audience from the initial stages of their project, converting a commercial space into a laboratory. An exhaustive SEO analysis was also conducted by the TREIZE team to identify the most popular keywords in the field and the most requested content topics. Given that it’s a niche research topic with a relatively limited search volume but strong competition, it was crucial to precisely target the keywords to increase our chances of reaching the desired audience. Additionally, we ensured the development of pages with a sufficiently high word count to enhance SEO.
Enriched frequently asked questions (FAQs) have also been developed at key locations on the website. Several of the frequently asked questions covered in the FAQs also have a corresponding blog article to assist the audience in fully exploring their inquiries. This interconnectedness between our content allows us to integrate numerous internal links throughout the entire site.

A brand workshop was conducted in collaboration with the client to identify the strong attributes that make up Lab.Space’s personality. Through this workshop, the brand naturally defined itself as expert, leader, and turnkey. This served as our anchor point to develop a visual universe consistent with its personality.
If scientific research in biotechnology requires an immense attention to detail, it can be said that the construction of these laboratory spaces requires just as much precision. Lab.Space Construction has undertaken several significant projects, thus establishing unparalleled expertise in laboratory space construction in Quebec.
To evoke Lab.Space’s expertise and the sterile, scientific environment in which biotechnology experts work daily, the team developed a color palette consisting of light blue, navy blue, white, and frosty gray.
The modular and structured composition of the website, along with the futuristic style, further reinforces the perception of notable expertise in the field.
To showcase the turnkey aspect of the brand, various graphic elements were also crafted: numbering, timelines, hooks, and more.

Lastly, to support the company in its goal of acquiring qualified leads, we have implemented a comprehensive and efficient contact form. This form allows professionals in the field to send the details of their projects to Lab.Space in just a few clicks.
This form also provides the Lab.Space team with better information to ensure an effective and high-quality initial contact with these potential clients.
Some calls to action have also been strategically placed on various parts of the website to demonstrate Lab.Space’s availability and openness to discuss a project with the target audience from its initial stages. This way, the user journey is optimized to redirect users to the contact form.