Quartier culturel des Faubourgs

Quartier culturel des Faubourgs
Google Maps Platform
Showcase website

The Quartier culturel des Faubourgs enlisted the web agency TREIZE to support the launch of this initiative by creating its first showcase website from scratch.
The Orange Tango studio crafted a strong brand image that effectively conveys the creative vitality of the neighborhood. One of our roles was to accurately transpose this visual identity into the digital realm to establish a strong and consistent brand that the local residents would recognize.
For the neighborhood, commonly known as Ville-Marie or Centre-Sud by its enthusiasts, it was important for us to contribute to the clarification and spread of the new designation “Le Quartier culturel des Faubourgs”. We aimed for users to quickly grasp the neighborhood’s mission and easily identify themselves as active participants.
Ultimately, our mission was to create a container that would allow the organization to centralize important information about the area on a single and user-friendly platform. The Quartier culturel des Faubourgs aims to be the reference for news, events, and updates related to its territory.

Orange Tango

Orange Tango
The neighborhood’s brand image pays homage to the workers who shaped the artistic and engaged spirit of the very first faubourgs. The key players of the neighborhood are thus at the heart of the Faubourgs’ brand, and the website aimed to give them the same prominent place. Vibrant, human, and authentic imagery and video were therefore favored.
The vibrant and dynamic character of the neighborhood is also reflected through the use of bright colors, bold typography, and playful animations.
Centralizing Territory Information
The Quartier culturel des Faubourgs is a vibrant community thanks to the active participation of its local stakeholders. To stimulate involvement in the cultural community and streamline information centralization, we proposed implementing a form that allows local stakeholders to submit their cultural events for display on the website. The magic is that this form automatically transforms into a web page upon completion. The administrative team of the Faubourgs only needs to take a look, review the event, and click “publish.” This feature allows them to collect a much larger number of events on their platform.
Stakeholders in the neighborhood are also invited in various sections of the website to engage and participate in enriching the cultural environment of the Faubourgs: calls for participation, project proposals, jobs in the cultural sector, as well as sharing ideas and/or comments.

An interactive map has been created to allow users to discover the richness of their neighborhood. Users are encouraged to explore dozens of venues for dissemination, creation, and workshops for artists and artisans, public artworks, as well as lively public spaces and parks that are featured on the map. A filter allows users to select the category of locations they want to explore.

The territory is also visually delineated to understand its extent and boundaries.

Each location is clickable and comes with a description and a photo.