
Showcase website

Our mandate was to redesign the showcase website of the OTIMROEPMQ by structuring a website that would facilitate access to information for the various target audiences of the Order:
- The members ;
- The students;
- The future members ;
- The general public ;
- External collaborators
and would help enhance the image of the Order.

facilitate navigation
The OTIMROEPMQ website caters to multiple audiences with very different behaviors. To ensure that all users can quickly find the information they need and navigate with ease through such a comprehensive website as that of the OTIMROEPMQ, we have taken care to integrate several key features to facilitate navigation.
This allows users to enter their desired query in the designated space and receive search results ranked in order of relevance based on the query’s keywords. Popular and current links are also provided in the search area to expedite the search process.
On the website, several informative pages (child pages) are grouped under a common theme (parent page) (e.g., the “Protection of the Public” theme contains various informative pages on this topic). To assist the user in always understanding their position in the site’s hierarchy, a breadcrumb trail has been integrated at the top of most pages. This makes it easy for the user to navigate back to the root page at any time if needed.
To better visualize the various pages grouped under a theme, we have also included a sidebar menu that provides quick access to different pages within the same theme without the need to navigate backward. It’s incredibly convenient for users and helps them gain a better overview of the information available on a specific topic. This way, without scrolling through the entire page or going back, I can jump from the “Decisions and Judgments” page to “Service Declaration” with just one click.
The homepage of the website also features a module that provides quick access to several relevant links based on our role (member, prospective member, patient). This means that regardless of our role, the website contains relevant content to address our needs and address our issues.

form overhaul
The primary mission of the Order is to protect the public in the fields of medical imaging, radiation oncology, and medical electrophysiology. To achieve this, the Order must, among other things, assist the public in recognizing any illegal practice by a technologist and help them file a complaint when necessary.
The previous website of the OTIMROEPMQ offered various forms, including those for filing complaints, in PDF format. Users had to locate the appropriate form for their request, download it, fill it out on their own, and manually send it to the provided email address once completed.
In order to make the forms much more accessible and user-friendly, it was proposed to integrate the forms directly on the digital platform by creating web forms. Several complex forms were thus developed, in harmony with the website’s style, offering an intuitive and simplified user experience. Users can even authenticate their forms with an electronic signature.
This enhancement enables the Order to better fulfill its primary mission of protecting the public by providing them with an accessible and efficient alternative for completing the required forms for filing a complaint or simply communicating with the Order.

Attracting prospective students and future members.
The OTIMROEMPQ also aimed to create engaging content to attract prospective students and future members, thereby supporting efforts to ensure a future workforce in the Order’s practice areas.
To achieve this goal and improve the website’s natural search engine ranking, a brand-new section was proposed for the website: “Practice Areas.” This section provides an overview of each practice area represented by the Order, making it more likely to be considered a relevant choice by search engines when users conduct searches related to professions in medical imaging, radiation oncology, and medical electrophysiology. To ensure proper indexing by search engines, each practice area has its own detailed page created using text, images, and video testimonials.
In this way, real and engaging content is offered to prospective students and members, while also enhancing the website’s SEO and generating increased traffic to the site.