Jean-Francois Sauriol in the 30/30 Infopresse


Jean-Francois Sauriol in the 30/30 Infopresse


Our president, Jean-François Sauriol, is 25 years old (actually 26 for the past 2 days…) and was featured in the 30/30 Infopresse 2020, not bad at all!

The 30/30, if you’re not sure what it is, is a ranking of the 30 individuals under 30 years old who are considered game changers in their industry, whether it’s due to their achievements, ideas, audacity, and more! Every year, there are 30 headliners selected from over a hundred applicants, and JF is one of these headliners in 2020. Infopresse wrote an article about him, where he shares some of his insights on the challenges in the web agency industry, the daily hurdles he deals with, and his definition of happiness at work. It’s a great article that we invite you to read!

In any case, the team wholeheartedly agrees with Infopresse’s choice. It’s 100% true that we have a “boss” who helps us grow professionally and personally, while allowing us to work in an ideal work environment where taking a one-month trip is not just a utopian dream. Besides doing inspiring work, we learn to collaborate, work with passionate individuals, and remain authentic. In short, we do much more than web development.

“Execute or educate” is the mindset that JF (and all of us) have at TREIZE every day. We make sure to educate our clients and are able to understand their needs and offer them a range of solutions that fit their needs and budgets. If, for some reason, we can’t work with a potential client, we’ll ensure to at least educate them and guide them to the right place, even if it’s with the competition. In other words, TREIZE is far from being a sausage factory that prioritizes quantity over the real needs of its clients.

Here, we ensure that our clients are happy, and each one of our team members looks forward to going to work in the morning.

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